Salaterre Art Series – FireSwamp & Trip to Mars

Storey Tarris UK finished three art books in 2024 while working on the Salaterre collaboration. The books use artwork from Storey’s memoir series documenting a commute from the fire swamp to Cambridge and London.

For 2025, Storey Tarris UK’s memoir series focuses on a trip to mars. The collaboration uses inspiration from AI Ad Copy, an urban artist. AI AD Copy is using the Salaterre poems from Dr. Horstkamp as inspiration for the collaboration art pieces.

Trip to Marks Day 2 of 365 by Storey Tarris UK

Collage Series Started

I have been working on the Commuter Series since December 2023 and because we are printing commuter photographs with poems by Emmy Horstkamp, I decided to collage.

I have completed 100 collages in the series so far and will continue to work on the collages. The collages in this series are divided into the following:

  • The day after, a collage that incorporates the day before
  • Today collage. A collage of two images from the day
  • RAGs combined with SINK – combining the collages from the two publications on top of a digital print used for light editing.
  • Collaged Life. A series of collages that will transform over time into a creative non-fiction book.