Amidst the Mornings of January, Pain is but a visitor without whispers of sorrow only places in my heart and serene beginnings.
Storey Tarris UK – Words
Salaterre Art Series – FireSwamp & Trip to Mars
Storey Tarris UK finished three art books in 2024 while working on the Salaterre collaboration. The books use artwork from Storey’s memoir series documenting a commute from the fire swamp to Cambridge and London.
For 2025, Storey Tarris UK’s memoir series focuses on a trip to mars. The collaboration uses inspiration from AI Ad Copy, an urban artist. AI AD Copy is using the Salaterre poems from Dr. Horstkamp as inspiration for the collaboration art pieces.

Collage For Part of May June 2024
Emmy Horstkamp and Storey Tarris UK collage.
Emmy has an exam on the 24th of June so we are using the collage we created to fill in those days of our 2024 project.

Week 9 / 52 Commuter Series 2024 by Storey Tarris UK

The Salaterre project is on Week 9.
For the last nine weeks, I’ve taken the commuter series photographs and combined them with Emmy Horstkamp’s poetry. The combination will be published in a book in 2026.
The photographs are digital and printed on a business printer and stamped with the date. The series documents commuting between two locations. Currently the commute is between locations in the fire swamp and Cambridge / London.
The photos are all digital and keep the following data:
- The date
- The time
- The camera / device
- the lens distance ex 24mm f1.78
- the image size ex 12mp 3kx4k
- ISO 250
- The location in the fireswamp
- The number of the photo in my photo database for that device
When I print the photo on the business photo and do not edit the photo, the business printer for some reason has been printing a small version of the photo. This is being documented in the series.
I have a few coloured prints available a month and this is also documented in my printing of the art pieces.
I am still working in a non ink friendly location so the abstract version of commuting is not available.
January / February 2024 / Commuter Series / Poetry Collaboration
Commuter Series January / February 2024
For January and February 2024, I’ve added poetry to my photography art pieces. I write under my regular name because my commercial work is writing and I like keeping my photography and artwork separate on google.
Starting in January, I decided to create a collaboration between the two parts of my mind, visual and words. The collaboration is documented on Salaterre.
For Salaterre, I take a daily photograph and write one to five poems. The poetry is a combination of Haiku, Storeyean and free verse.
The poetry and art photography pieces focus on a daily commute from the fireswamp. So far, I have a daily photograph from the last three months of commuting through the fire swamp.

The stamping of the photographs is a continuation of my date stamping from Edinburgh where I kept track of my memoir diary with the date stamp.
The only difference in my current practice is that I date stamp the date the digiital image tells me for the photograph, not necessarily the day that I print the image. I only change the date on my stamper to the next day, I am not rolling back time.
I print the images whenever I’m at the office in Cambridge. Because I’m in London two days a week, some images are stamped on Wednesday or Thursday which are my catch-up days for printing images.
All my images are digital and taken on an iphone. Most of the stamped prints are in black and white from the business printer. I’ve added a few image as digital assets to PeaPodPen and I’m working on a poetry/photo book for 2025.
Commuter series | January 2024 | Printed on Business Printer |

In December, I started a new digital photography series documenting a daily commute in the UK from the Fire Swamp.
The series is printed on a Business printer with a maximum prints allowed by my business pass. The current number per month is 120 black and white prints and 20 colour prints. The prints are high quality laser printed on HP. I decided to divide the number by days that I’m in the business work space. The approximate number per day is between 2 – 4 prints.
I print each day photos from the prior evening and any day that I am not in the business space.
The series is a continuation of the memory series from Edinburgh. The current series does not use art ink but still includes the documentation date stamp.
The photographs are being used on in a collaboration with Emmy Horstkamp’s poetry. The poetry is focused on the image and morning commuting.
120 Days in the Fireswamp | Work in Progress |
December 2023 | Commuting Series -Ready, Set, Go | Storey Tarris UK |